Don’t worry. It’s not real. They can’t hurt you.
So says those therapist memes. Sure, Jan. We’ve heard that before.
If any of you are going to a therapist, or if you have slightly neurotic moments (don’t we all, really?), or have a friend who is going into therapy, or maybe even work as a therapist yourself (what are the chances?!), these funny memes should be truly relatable to you.
Check out these hilarious therapist memes. We swear. They can’t hurt you!
Therapist: Don’t Worry

He Made 2 Fat Jokes

How Does That Make You Feel?

Why Do You Have Trouble Sleeping

Me: I’m Fine

Walounicle Isn’t Real

I Texted Him Again

I’ve Had It With Him

Me Telling My Therapist

My Therapist Listening To Me

Tell Me Why You Can’t

Trying To Be Honest

Went To Therapist

What My Friends Think I Do

Therapist: What’s Wrong?

When I Stop Talking And Realize

Why Do You Have Such

You’ve Gotta Learn To Feel

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