Dachshunds are simply the best. They are great cuddlers and they take their job as guard dogs very seriously. They have this irresistible charm that can easily melt anyone’s heart.
Another thing that makes them extra special is their personality. They can make you smile even without trying so hard. They can make you laugh hard, too.
If you can’t get enough of their charm, here’s an awesome dachshund meme collection that’ll make you really happy today.
You Threw It
When You Meet
When Someone Has Explained
What Do You Mean
The Main Job
Takes Hour And A Half Walk
Someone Is At The Door
Silence Is Golden
Schnazi The Dachshund
Quit Nagging Me
Most Days
Looks Like Rain
Look Deeply Into My Eyes
Let’s Get A Quick
If You Don’t Want Me To Shit On The Rug
I Fiercely Barked At The Mailman
I Don’t Always Poop On The Carpet
I Am So Glad
Hold It
Guess Where I Pooped
Every Meal You Make
Do You Mean To Tell Me
Remember to share this dachshund meme collection with everyone needing a good laugh today!