It is so easy to be bogged down by a heavy heart. And indeed, we need to take time to mourn and grieve for the heartbreaks in our life. But after some measure of time, it’s crucial that we have the strength to dust ourselves off and get up once again.
If you are short on hope and faith, these silver lining quotes might just pierce the dark clouds in your life to help you find that single ray of sunshine.

Every cloud has a silver lining. Every solar eclipse has a Corona lining….. – Ankala Subbarao
Silver linings are everywhere. You just have to look for them.
There is light at the end of every tunnel. To get there just follow the silver lining. – Anthon St. Maarten

There is always a silver lining. Find it. – Shayne Neal, From Misery to Happiness: A Poetic Journey Through Love, Loss, and Second Chances
I’ve become this happiness scavenger who picks away at the ugliness of the world, because if there’s happiness tucked away in my tragedies, I’ll find it no matter what. – Adam Silvera, More Happy Than Not

There is beauty in finding the silver lining, even through the darkness. It is there if you search for it. – Tracey Ehman
The pessimist looks at the storm. The optimist at the beautiful silver lining.
Every cloud has its silver lining but it is sometimes a little difficult to get it to the mint. – Don Marquis
Day and night the sun is shining. Though he may hide his head, each cloud has a silver lining. – Lizzie Lawson
DISOBEDIENCE, n. The silver lining to the cloud of servitude. – Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary and Other Works

The same wind that blows down your house shakes berries from the bushes. – Marci Ridlon
With the dawning of a new age, after pandemics have done their work, we may find ourselves at the watershed of singular considerations about how to handle the changes that revolutionize our lives, and trace the silver lining in a new reality. (What do they think behind their dirty aprons?) – Erik Pevernagie
I told myself that some families we get without asking, while others we choose. And I chose those two. I think that’s what you’d call a silver lining. – Jenny Valentine, Broken Soup
We can choose to bewail how dark the clouds, or keep our hopeful gaze on the silver lining.

It’s funny how, when things seem the darkest, moments of beauty present themselves in the most unexpected places. – Karen Marie Moning, Dreamfever
I would encourage any absentee fathers to consider, for the sake of their children, the following:
– maintain the bond of love;
– seek the silver lining;
– provide guidance as best you can;
– and have fun together!
These rewards of fatherhood are entirely in YOUR hands. – Rob Kozak, Finding Fatherhood
In the midst of uncertainty, Doubt stealthy in. And in the face of Doubt, One must hold steadfast to Hope. – Creativly, A Passion and a Dream: Inspiring Stories of Actors, Writers, et. al., on the Eve of Their Big Break

Bad things happen, and sometimes a bad thing, later on down the line, turns out to not be bad at all, even though at the time you wouldn’t have known it. – Kenneth Arthur, The Salt & Pepper Gang: a memoir
This is for all those who still hope for new mornings
No matter how long, cold and gloomy their nights were.
This is for you
This is for me
And this is for everyone who still have some kind of hope in their hearts , no matter how many times this life have proved them why they shouldn’t …
Thank you!
Thank you for being the silver lining that still finds its way through the darkness ….
– Samiha Totanji
Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold. – Maurice Setter
Thank the universe for silver linings. – Jeff Davis

Take this Lockdown phase as a Silver Lining to concentrate on your self happiness. – Somya Kedia
Look for silver linings. Even on darkest days, you will find them. All you have to do is look. – Elizabeth Messina
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. – Aristotle
Do you believe that behind every cloud is a silver lining? Because if you do, now’s the time to start believing it. – Charles F. Glassman

By walking on the right path, you create a golden fate for yourself and you also become a silver lining for the others! – Mehmet Murat Ildan
Every silver lining has a cloud. – Mary Kay Ash
Even sorrow has its silver lining, as the emotion that pours forth reminds us of our capacity to love, and to be loved. – Rob Kozak
Faith redirects our gaze from the dark clouds.

That’s not a gray hair, honey. That’s your silver lining. – Pamela Price
We are the silver lining in any and every dark cloud we could find. There is no need to go looking for the light when you bring it with you. – Tyler Gregson
Continuously failing does not mean that you are a failure. It only means that your strength is in exploring your weaknesses. – VaeEshia Ratcliff-Davis
Every silver lining has a touch of grey. – Jerry Garcia

Positivity isn’t standing in the rain and saying it’s not raining. It’s about finding a silver lining in the clouds.
The thinnest of silver linings on clouds banishing all light. – Meg Waite Clayton, The Last Train to London
Even sorrow has its silver lining, as the emotion that pours forth reminds us of our capacity to love, and to be loved. – Rob Kozak, Finding Fatherhood
Go and work,—the clouds will show the silver lining that’s behind. – Ada Cambridge

There’s a silver lining to be found in all the bad things that happen to us. When we fail to see it, that’s when the pain becomes unbearable.
Life is as good as your mindset. Find your silver lining.
You have to do everything you can, you have to work your hardest, and if you do, if you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining. – Bradley Cooper (award-winning Silver Linings Playbook movie)
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Every negative, hurtful, challenging situation has a silver lining. Therein lies the awakening of the soul.
Look at the bright side of life and choose to be happy. Yes, it is a matter of choice. When negative thoughts enter your mind, just refuse to look at them, substitute them with happy thoughts. – Dr Anil Kr Sinha
He will also report that out of every season of grief or suffering, when the hand of God seemed heavy or even unjust, new lessons for living were learned, new resources of courage were uncovered, and that finally, inescapably, the conviction came that God does “move in a mysterious way His wonders to perform. – Alcoholics Anonymous, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Sometimes life events break your heart. Even as you grieve, allow light to seep through the cracks, uplift, and illuminate a healing. Baby turtles emerge from the cracking of shells; new life can burst forth. Clear away all broken belongings as a metaphorical pathway fresh, loving experiences in uncharted waters. – Laura Staley

But you have no silver linings without a cloud. – Angela Carter
There is a silver lining to every dark cloud.
She couldn’t help but wonder at the events of recent days, and at how—even in the face of such misfortune, there was so much good. – Tamera Alexander, To Win Her Favor
Bad news is the ultimate unwelcome house guest. We have no control over it when it arrives and how long it stays. Finding the silver lining is difficult but it’s possible.