Life is all about a series of challenges to be overcome. When we are asked about our greatest triumphs, what usually comes to mind are the moments we succeeded over the most difficult obstacles in our lives. The harder the struggle, the stronger the feeling of gratification and achievement be it a victory gained in school, work, health or relationships.
Read the following inspirational quotes. They’ll surely help you rise above whatever problems and difficulties you are currently facing.

There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism. – Alexander Hamilton
Today, pick one strength and one weakness and hammer away at them with intense focus. Today, tomorrow, and the day after. Rise bit-by-bit – but rise! – T Jay Taylor
I am proof that one person can rise above any challenge, and if I can, then so will others if they are given the chance. – Emmanuel Jal

The greatest victory in life is to rise above the material things that we once valued most. – Muhammad Ali
You learn to rise above a lot of bad things that happen in your life. And you have to keep going. – Lauren Bacall
Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves. – Mason Cooley

Your have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. – Marcus Aurelius
It’s when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached. – Mike Huckabee
To succeed it is necessary to accept the world as it is and rise above it. – Michael Korda
You will never rise above the image you have of yourself in your own mind. – Joel Osteen

Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine. – Mario Fernandez
I’m going to always rise above the doubt that may exist about me. – T.I.
Truth will rise above falsehood as oil above water. – Miguel de Cervantes
Negative thinking is contagious. Do your best not to dwell on negativity, it will consume you and prevent you from becoming your best self. – Germany Kent
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune, but great minds rise above them.
You ought to know how to rise above the trivialities of life, in which most people are found drowning themselves. – D.T. Suzuki

Rise up and be the best you can be because your world is waiting for you. – Shalom
Doubt yourself and you doubt everything you see. Judge yourself and you see judges everywhere. But if you listen to the sound of your own voice, you can rise above doubt and judgment. – Nancy Lopez
We don’t develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. – Barbara De Angelis
Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – Francis of Assisi
All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me….You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. – Walt Disney

You yourself are your own obstacle, rise above yourself. – Hafez
Rise above your circumstances, change the world one person at a time starting with you, and be the inspiration you’ve been searching for. – Lindsay Stirling
Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do. – Nelson Mandela
There is in man a conscience which outlives the sensations the sensations, resolutions, and emotions of the hour, and rises above them all. – Edward Thomson
We will never bring peace at the hands of war. As a species, we have to rise above it. – Rosie O’Donnell

You will rise above all limitations once you begin to live life with the right attitude. People who fail and fall are the people who see difficulties in every opportunity and call it “impossibility”. Rise up! – Israelmore Ayivor
The world helps you to keep evolving and hope it’s for better. You have to rise above all the tragedies in life. You have to grow, and if you stop growing, you are old. – Hrithik Roshan
If you will not rise above the things of this world, they will rise above you. – Hazrat Inayat Khan
We are defined by our dignity to rise above debasement. We are certainly better people for doing so. – Corey Taylor
You’ve got to learn to live with what you can’t rise above. – Bruce Springsteen

We can rise above our limitations, only once we recognize them. – B.K.S. Iyengar
An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. – Martin Luther King Jr
Rise above the limited conditions of pleasure and pain, success and failure, happiness and sorrow, that all the countless unenlightened beings in creation are slaves to. – Frederick Lenz
Man must rise above the Earth – to the top of the atmosphere and beyond – for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives. – Socrates
It is always legitimate to wish to rise above one’s self, never above others. – Julia Ward Howe

There ain’t no troubles that we can’t rise above, with a handful of faith and a heartful of love. – Tim McGraw
Rise above principle and do what’s right. – Joseph Heller
Occasionally, a man must rise above principles. – Warren Buffett
We must dare to rise above the obstacles on our path. – Lailah Gifty Akita
No man can ever rise above that that which he aims. – Archibald Alexander Hodge

Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary. – Jim Rohn
There is nothing we cannot live down, rise above, and overcome. – Ella Wheeler Wilcox
If you breathed deep and set your mind to it, you could rise above your anger. – Lauren Myracle
Don’t let the negatives of life control you. Rise above them. Use them as your stepping stones to go higher than you ever dreamed possible. – Mary Kay Ash
My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them. – Richard Branson
We have to have the courage to rise above our circumstances. Action cures fear.
The reason why women effect so little and are so shallow is because their aims are low, marriage is the prize for which they strive; if foiled in that they rarely rise above disappointment. – Sarah Moore Grimke
It is well known that humor, more than anything else in the human make-up, can afford an aloofness and an ability to rise above any situation, even if only for a few seconds. – Viktor E. Frankl
We are not meant to resolve all contradictions but to live with them and rise above them. – William Blake
I was bullied as a child and used humor to rise above it. – Vermin Supreme

You have the power within you to rise above whatever is currently seeking to bring you down.
Reality is something you rise above. – Liza Minnelli
When people try to put you down, have the courage to rise above hate.
Forgiveness isn’t approving what happened. It’s choosing to rise above it. – Robin Sharma
Your fears will appear smaller and smaller as you rise above them. – Carol ‘CC’ Miller
In this world there is no force equal to the strength of a woman determined to rise. – W. E. B Du Bois
We’re not defined by our circumstances, and we can always find a way to rise above it. – Ashleigh Murray
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them. – Washington Irving
It’s time to rise above negative circumstances and believe what God says about you. You are blessed, favored, loved.
Pardon me while I burn, and rise above the flame. – Incubus

Don’t let anyone drain you of your happiness today. Be drama free. Rise above the petty stuff. – Trent Shelton
We should rise, above the clouds of ignorance, narrowness, and selfishness. – Booker T. Washington
I see couples fighting about the stupidest things. You just have to rise above everything. – Sammy Hagar
It’s a fine thing to rise above pride, but you must have pride in order to do so. – Georges Bernanos

Don’t get mad. Don’t get even. Do better. Rise above. Become so engulfed in your own success that you forget it ever happened.
You can never rise above the light you look up to. – Matthew Ashimolowo
Rise and fly above all negativity.
Rise above oneself and grasp the world. – Archimedes
Within you is the power to rise above any situation or struggle, and transform into the brightest, strongest version of you ever!
She was powerful not because she wasn’t scared but because she went on so strongly despite the fear. – Atticus
Rise above sectional interests and private ambitions… Pass from matter to spirit. Matter is diversity; spirit is light, life and unity. – Muhammad Iqbal
Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant. – Horace