If you’re just here for the comments, we’ve got a popcorn meme collection ready! Imagine this. You’re scrolling through your social media platform of choice—let’s say YouTube. You chance upon a deliciously juicy comment that’s sure to heat up a ton of commenters. You see the sheer amount of replies and get ready to open pandora’s box, but before you do, you grab a box of crispy, metaphorical popcorn.
Popcorn memes have become highly used memes, especially when perusing spicy threads on social media. People use them to indicate that they’re enjoying an argument, especially when it gets particularly heated. Interested? We have just the collection for you! Check them out below.
Anyone Hungry

Does Anyone Here Smell Popcorn

Facebook Fight

Grab Some Popcorn

Hang On There

Hey Do You Smell Popcorn

I Just Came Here

I’m Going To Need More Popcorn

Keep Going Don’t Stop

Look A Facebook Fight

Nice One

Pass Me The Popcorn

Popcorn Everywhere

So It Begins

Someone Get Me Some Popcorn Right Now

Sorry I’m Late

When I See Drama I’m Not Involved In

Bitch Fight On Facebook

Sorry I’m Late

Fresh Popcorn

Sorry I’m Late

Piece Of Popcorn Kernel

My Microwave

Nom Nom Nom

Wait What

Don’t forget to share your favorite popcorn meme on social media.