After a long year of hard work, it’s only right for employees to celebrate. Christmas parties are the perfect time for employees to bond together, relax, and just have fun. They can drink, dance, and chat all they want. They can even exchange gifts!
Now, if you’ve been to a couple of similar parties, you’d know what happens there and what happens the morning after. While some have memorable experiences, others have really embarrassing stories to share the next day. Frankly, those things are what makes such parties a lot more enjoyable.
Below, we’ve collected the funniest office Christmas party memes you’d totally be able to relate to. Enjoy!
About That


Ask Him

At Your Office Christmas Party

Brace Yourselves

Did Somebody Say

Going To

Had Too Much

Highlight Of Year

It’s Almost Time

One Does Not

The Downside

What I Don’t

When HR Recommends

When My Boss

When The Office Christmas Party

When You Make

Woke Up

You’re Fired

When You Know

Remember to share these office Christmas party memes with all your co-workers and friends!