25 Hilarious Hide The Pain Harold Memes

If you’ve never seen this stock photo model, then you’ve been living under a rock. This senior model has been featured in many memes because of his funny facial expression. Even when he’s posing for a photo, his smile comes off more as a pained grimace than an expression of joy.

Read the little stories in the memes below that show why Harold has to hide his pain.

When You Don’t Even Like Her

hide the pain harold alone meme

My Face When I Check My Bank Account

hide the pain harold bank account meme

I Lost My Best Friend Last Week

hide the pain harold bestfriend meme

My Wife Just Texted Me

hide the pain harold cemetery meme

I Joined The Gym

hide the pain harold cremation meme

Let’s See What’s For Dinner

hide the pain harold dinner meme

My Wife Divorced Me

hide the pain harold divorce meme

My Facebook Was Hacked

hide the pain harold facebook hacked meme

Gonna Browse Facebook

hide the pain harold facebook meme

Just Got Friend Zoned

hide the pain harold friend zoned meme

Finds Wife’s Google History

hide the pain harold google history meme

When You Wanna Hang Up

hide the pain harold hang up meme

I Went To Hooters For Lunch

hide the pain harold hooters meme

My Ex-Wife Just Won The Lottery

hide the pain harold lottery meme

When Someone’s Talking About You

hide the pain harold memes

Oh Wait

hide the pain harold no cure for baldness meme

My Wife Helped Me Quit Smoking

hide the pain harold quit smoking meme

When You Know Nothing About Sports

hide the pain harold sports meme

Look Someone Stole My Identity

hide the pain harold stolen identity meme

When All Ur friends Are Talking

hide the pain harold survey meme

My Father Taught Me To Swim

hide the pain harold swim meme

As A Security Guard

hide the pain harold the office meme

What Do We Have Here

hide the pain harold to do list meme

Told My Doctor

hide the pain harold tupac meme

I Told My Wife

hide the pain harold wife meme

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