Engineering makes a great career. Being one means having plenty of options and growth opportunities. It comes with a very competitive salary and there’s just no shortage of engineering jobs. Whether you’re planning on working locally or trying your luck abroad, you’ll surely be able to find the right job for you.
Unfortunately, you’ll have to go through a lot if you want to be an engineer and enjoy those benefits. You’ll have to spend several sleepless nights and skip partying with friends just to study.
Because we know how hard the process is, we went ahead and put together this collection of really funny engineering memes. It’s guaranteed to make your day so much better.
After Four Years

Computer Engineers

Corporate Needs You

Daddy Will I

Engineering School

Every Group Project

Trying To Fall Asleep

Hates Essays

I Didn’t Choose

Introduce A Girl

PH.D. In Electrical Engineering

She Can Cook

Take Engineering Course

Majors In Mechanical Engineering

The Dating Scene

Understands Heat Transfer

When I Came To College

When I Get Assigned

When You Finally Become

You Can Choose

Don’t forget to share these engineering memes with everyone you know on social media!