18 Death By Snu Snu Memes From Futurama

For those unaware, the phrase “death by snu-snu” comes from the cartoon Futurama. The main characters are taken hostage by gigantic, burly women called the Amazonians who live on the planet they’ve visited. They are soon sentenced to death by the very deadly “snu-snu”, a term left ambiguous to the watcher who should be able put two and two together.

The hilarity comes from the fact while it would basically kill them judging from the various skeletal remains in their vicinity, they’re not entirely opposed to the idea. Scroll down for some more hilarious snu-snu memes below!

Death By Snu Snu

death by snu snu embrace it meme

When I See This

death by snu snu fear meme

Doesn’t Matter

death by snu snu had snu snu

Me And The Boys

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When Male Honey Bees Mate

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Another Look At The Height Difference Between Female Collegiate Athletes

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It Will Be Worth It

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Death By Snu Snu

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Death By Snu Snu

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Happily Married

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I Want Death By Snu Snu

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Death By Snu Snu

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Why Do Men Have Problems With Strong Women

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Death By Snu Snu

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I Tried That Death By Snu Snu

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Women Too Powerful For Mortal Men

death by snu snu women too powerful meme