If you were not the popular kid in school, you might remember your elementary or high school years as being quite awkward especially if you didn’t have a lot of friends. Growing up, you might have realized by now that when it comes to friends, quality trumps quantity.
We hope that you’ve already found a small circle of friends that will move mountains for you. If you haven’t yet, have faith! Just continue to be yourself in order to find your people.
Read these quotes to appreciate the beauty of keeping your circle of trusted friends small.

Remember, you don’t need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of.
The older I get the more I realize the value of privacy. Of cultivating your circle and only letting certain people in. You can be open, honest, and real while still understanding not everyone deserves a seat at the table of your life.
Our family is a circle of strength and love…Our family with ever birth and every union the circle grows, our family is a circle of strength every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger. – Harriet Morgan

My circle is small because I am into quality not quantity.
Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life. – Amy Peohler
Avoid teams at all cost. Keep your circle small. Never join a group that has a name. – George Carlin

There are over 7 billion people in this world. I like 6 of you.
Got a big dream, from a small town. Got a small circle, you’ll never get around. – Lil Wayne
I only trust a few and that circle small as hell. – Darkskin

Alpha females don’t run in packs. She is often alone. Keeps her circle small. Knows her power & works in silence.
I have trust issues. With women, friends, whatever. You always wonder what their real motives are. I’ve got a small circle of friends, and it’s a lot of the same friends I’ve known forever. Right now, that works for me. I came out of some difficult things these past couple of years. I kind of feel like I’m just now finding my footing. So I want to make sure that’s secure before I go out and do anything else. I need to keep working on myself for a while. – Eminem
Keep your circle of friends small, tight and right. – Levon Peter Poe
Keep your circle small and your mind at peace.
Keep your circle small with positive minded individuals who only come to grow with you, and not to take advantage of you. – Edmond Mbiaka
I do have a close circle of friends and I am very fortunate to have them as friends. I feel very close to them I think friends are everything in life after your family. You come across lots of people all the time but you only make very few friends and you have to be true to them otherwise what’s the point in life? – Shah Rukh Khan
I pick and choose. I don’t get shit confused. I got a small circle, I’m not with different crews. – Drake

Draw a circle around yourself – invite people in or keep them out. We are the creators of our social geometry. Calculate your volume.
I just try to keep the same people I’ve had around me from Day One. Keep it a real small circle because if you do that, not too much is going to go bad for you. – Kevin Love
We keep that circle small and never let no squares near it.
Man is always inclined to regard the small circle in which he lives as the center of the world and to make his particular, private life the standard of the universe and to make his particular, private life the standard of the universe. But he must give up this vain pretense, this petty provincial way of thinking and judging. – Ernst Cassirer

A small circle of real friends is better than a large circle of fake friends. – Ramsha
By all means be compassionate but never allow the envious into your inner circle. – Wayne Gerard Trotman
In my circle of friends, I’ve always been loud and funny and talkative. But as soon as I step out of that circle, I get very quiet and introspective. I don’t want the spotlight on me. – Rosie Perez

A small team of A-plus players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players. – Steve Jobs
Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. – Marcel Proust
Ah, how good it feels! The hand of an old friend. – H. W. Longfellow
Fewer friends, less drama. Keep your circle small.
Know yourself; keep your circle tight. Keep your friends and your work circle tight. – Rita Ora
When people show loyalty to you, you take care of those who are with you. It’s how it goes with everything. If you have a small circle of friends, and one of those friends doesn’t stay loyal to you, they don’t stay your friend for very long. – John Cena

Friends should be like books, few, but hand-selected. – C.J. Langenhoven
I was very introverted growing up and I had small circle of friends. Any opportunity I got to rap or articulate things through rhyme or hip hop was great for me. – LeCrae
I’m not comfortable being around too many people. I don’t like being out in public too much. I don’t like going to bars. I don’t like doing celebrity stuff. So most of the characters I play are people who don’t always feel comfortable beyond their small circle of friends. – Adam Sandler

Sometimes your circle decreases in size, but increases in value.
Your truth tends to determine the people you attract and those within your inner circle. If you are not attracting the right people, examine the truth you are sharing. – Jeffrey G. Duarte
Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty. – Sicilian Proverb

As your life changes, so will your circle.
We were a very small circle of writers. Everybody brought to the table their own life experience. – Howie Mandel
I’m very close to very few people, but those few people mean everything to me.

Surround yourself with those who won’t compete but will revel in your success and see your ascent as a reflection of their own possibilities. – T. D. Jakes
I’ve always been someone with a small circle of friends. Each stretch of my life has been defined by one person who was just my person. We became inseparable for a certain number of years, and that time was our season, just the two of us making our way through life. – Colin Trevorrow
Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words. – George Eliot
It’s not what we have, but who we have. – Winnie The Pooh
Trust is hard to come by. That’s why my circle is small and tight. I’m kind of funny about making new friends. – Eminem
It seems the older we get, the tighter our inner circle becomes. When life has you down, some of those you thought had your back run, others…sometimes strangers surprise you and fill that empty space up. Oh, but life has a great balancing act and when that axle turns and you are right side up again…you will definitely not be looking for any long, lost “friends” because your inner circle is battle-tested to win! – Sanjo Jendayi

I keep my circle small and my walls high. I’ll treat you the same way you treat me. Even though my heart is big and I love hard, never underestimate me.
The smaller the circle is, the less snakes and rats you have to worry about.
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. – Mark Twain

One good reason to only maintain a small circle of friends is that three out of four murders are committed by people who know the victim. – George Carlin
The faker you are, the bigger your circle will be. The real you are, the smaller your circle will be. These are well known facts.
A best friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have. – Irish Proverb