Some people are blessed with warm and affable families, while others are inflicted permanent wounds by their own family members.
Fortunately, family isn’t always blood. As we go through life, we meet people who inevitably become so close to our hearts that they might as well be real family.
Read these beautiful quotes about how family isn’t always blood.

It is not always about flesh and blood but the heart which makes the family. Call them your kin, your unit, your home, your folks, whatever name you call them. Thank God for those who make us feel like we belong and who accepts us like family. – Brigitte Nicole
Its been a blessing. I can honestly say that Snoops been like my big brother. I consider him like blood, like a blood relative cuz thats like my family right there. – Bow Wow

FRIENDS are family you choose.
What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life – to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories. – George Eliot
Real family does not come from your blood. It is the people standing beside you when no one else is. – Nishan Panwar

Family is not always by blood. It is by heart. – Soumen Das
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof. – Richard Bach
Blood is thicker then water, but maple syrup is thicker then blood so technically pancakes are more important than family.

In your twenties, you realise that blood doesn’t always mean family and home is not a place. – A.Davis
For my own family, I would always choose the makeshift, surrogate family formed by various characters unrelated by blood. – Anne Tyler
Family isn’t just about whose blood runs through your veins. It’s about who never left your side, stood up for you and believed in you. – Adrian Body
Loving your neighbors is to be a family and is far beyond DNA connection. Blood may be thicker than water, but love, kindness, trust and ability to empathize with each other in the face of every adversity is what we should call my family. – Kemmy Nola

Family is anyone who loves you unconditionally.
Blood relatives often have nothing to do with family, and similarly, family is about who you choose to make your life with. – Oliver Hudson
Family isn’t always about blood. Sometimes you just recognize someone. That’s how it was with your gran and me. We were kin. A special kind of kin. – Barbara Davis, The Last of the Moon Girls
The blood inside of me is the blood inside of you. Why must we try and hurt our brothers and sisters when we are all the same? Believe in love. – Dahvie Vanity

Your family, your real family, will always welcome you home with open arms. Anyone who says you can lose their love isn’t really family, no matter what blood says. – Seanan McGuire, Tricks for Free
Family isn’t always blood, baby,” he said, I was lucky enough to have a woman take me as her child and teach me what family really is. We didnt have much, but we had each other. – Christine Feehan, Toxic Game
Family isn’t always the one you’re born into. Sometimes it’s about people who get into your blood, inside your heart, and under your skin all on their own. – L.H. Cosway, The Hooker and the Hermit
Sometimes, the people closest to you betray you, and your home isn’t a place you can be happy anymore. It’s hard but it’s true. – P.C. Cast

Dear best friend, You may not be my sister by blood. But you’re my sister by heart.
Just because someone is “family” doesn’t mean you have to tolerate the lies, chaos, drama, manipulation, and disrespect.
Being genetically related doesn’t make you family. Love, support, trust, sacrifice, honesty, acceptance, protection, security, compromise, gratitude, respect, and loyalty are things that make you family.
You will always be the sister of my soul, the friend of my heart.

Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often it’s the place where we find the deepest heartache.
You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them. – Desmond Tutu
Always remember when it comes to family arguments and disputes. Blood is thicker than anger. – Stanley Victor Paskavich
Family does not necessarily mean blood relatives but often a description of a community, organization or nation. – Queen Elizabeth JJ

Not all family is blood and not all blood is family.
Family is not always blood relative, It’s about the person who stand with you in your hard time, share your happiness and problems. – Aryan Singh
You can kiss your family and friends goodbye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you. – Frederick Buechne
You are allowed to terminate your relationship with toxic family members. You are allowed to walk away from people who hurt you over and over. Blood is not always family.
Her family may not share her blood, but family wasn’t just about blood. It was about love and trust. It was about the people who would always be there, supporting and encouraging, no matter what mistakes she made or how tough life got. – Ashley Stoyanoff
This last year. Something i learned about family. Like it’s not about blood alone. It’s being connected. It’s growing up together and loving each other. It’s believing ion the same God and knowing you’d do anything for the person across from you at dinner. – Karen Kingsbury

Some of the most poisonous people come disguised as Friends and Family.
Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what.
I’m starting to realize that family isn’t always blood…it’s the people who are there for you when no one else is. – Ashley Jade, Cruel Prince

Family isn’t always blood, and it isn’t contained in a single tree. It’s a forest. – Jenn Bennett, Serious Moonlight
When you find the people in your life who are your “real” family, treasure them and never take them for granted.
Sometimes, blood isn’t thicker than water and family will betray you faster than enemies.