Life is too busy and we’re often distracted. Nonetheless, it’s never too late to wish a friend, a family or someone special a wonderful birthday. Special occasions light up even brighter when the people that matter remember. So, let a loved one know that you care and that you remember.
Choose your favorite birthday greetings from our curated collection below!

Belated Birthday Wishes and Messages
May all your dreams come true! Wishing you a belated happy birthday!
Even though this message comes to you a little late, the wish it brings for happiness is good on any day date. Belated happy birthday!

The head forgets – but the heart remembers. Happy belated birthday!
I’m very sorry about forgetting your special day, so please accept this belated birthday wish in the spirit it is given. Hope your birthday was incredible…just like you.
Here is wishing you a day that special to you just the way you are to me. I know my wishes are late but they are never-the-less true. Happy belated birthday, dear!

Knowing how much fun you can be, I assume that the party is still going and that I am not late for your birthday. Keep on having fun.
It’s a late one but surely not a fake one; from the deepest part of my heart, I really wish that your life will always be filled with joy, love, and happiness! Happy belated birthday!
Even though I missed your birthday by a mile, I hope you celebrated it with a smile.

Hope you had an unbelievable birthday. For me, it’s almost impossible to remember your special day. No matter what age you turn, you don’t look a day over your last birthday.
The day of your birthday may have gone by, but the happiness that you are in this world will always stay. Belated happy birthday to you. May you be blessed with a year filled with abundant blessings.
The biggest surprise is always the last one. Not wishing you on time was totally intentional. I just wanted to give you a surprise. Happy belated birthday!

I am late in saying happy birthday to you and maybe even the last to say it this year. So, is it true that you should save the best for last?
Although my birthday wish is too late, my best wishes for your health and happiness are good 365 days a year. Hope you had a happy birthday.
Birthdays are special days but you are special every day. Happy belated birthday. I hope that your birthday was a wonderful one!

Wishing happy birthday on-time is just too mainstream. So, I decided to be a little late. I hope you had a great birthday!
Sorry I missed your birthday. How weird is that? That only happens to me like once per year. Happy birthday to you.
I know that your birthday celebration was actually the best day ever in your whole life. I hope and I pray that God will always bless you with pure love, true happiness, and good health. Belated happy birthday!

Here’s the message I should have sent: I hope your birthday was wonderful. Wonderful is exactly what you deserve.
I checked Google for the best “belated birthday wishes”, “late birthday greetings”, “sorry for missing your birthday” and “late birthday wishes”, but the best one comes from my heart when I say “Hope you had a great birthday.”
Even though this greeting has come to you a bit late, it is full of love, positivity and good wishes. Belated happy birthday!

I meant to wait so that you could extend your birthday just a little bit longer. They go by way too fast if it is just one day. Happy extended birthday.
Funny Belated Birthday Wishes
Sorry I am late in wishing you a happy birthday. Lately, I have been living more on a lunar calendar than the solar one. Belated happy birthday!
Hope you had a great birthday. I missed eating your cake on your birthday, so I plan to eat at least two desserts today to make up for it.

It feels like you just had a birthday the other day. Oh yeah, you did. Sorry, I am late. Wishing you a belated happy birthday!
It’s apparent that you have been blessed with many things on your birthday. Unfortunately, a punctual birthday message from me was not one of them. Hope you had an amazing day!
I didn’t really forget your special day, I just figured you deserved more than one. Happy belated birthday!

It is hard to believe that you are getting older. That is why I am late in wishing you a happy birthday.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about you. Very lately. Belated happy birthday!
Don’t worry, I didn’t miss your birthday, I just wanted to be fashionably late! Happy belated birthday.

How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older? Happy belated birthday.
What are you waiting for? Sending belated birthday wishes is still better than sending none. Go ahead and pick one you can send to your friend today!