Immaturity is a plague in adults. When we have immature people in governance, in positions of authority at work, or even just immature folks having kids, this is when the world goes to chaos. This is because for an immature person, the world revolves around them and them alone. Thus, it is hard to muster up kindness and thoughtfulness for the welfare of others.
Read our specially curated quotes on immaturity to identify the signs of a person who still has some growing up to do.

I don’t pay attention to the number of birthdays. It’s weird when I say I’m 53. It just is crazy that I’m 53. I think I’m very immature. I feel like a kid. That’s why my back goes out all the time, because I completely forget I can’t do certain things anymore – like doing the plank for 10 minutes. – Ellen DeGeneres
Some people need to stop being immature. Seriously grow up. – Mahmoud El Hallab
You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely. – Ogden Nash
Immaturity is the inability to delay self-gratification. – Mike Murdock
Lots of women love to accuse men of being immature when the fellow in question displays a reluctance to ‘commit.’ – Julie Burchill

Some people are like trees, they take forever to grow up. – Ana Sandoval
Maturity does not match, with immaturity. – Ehsan Sehgal
I am neither bitter nor cynical but I do wish there was less immaturity in political thinking. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Inconsistencies in men are generally testimony to their immaturity. – Edwin Louis Cole
Continuously feeling superior is a characteristic of immaturity. – Eraldo Banovac
Our element is unending immaturity. – Witold Gombrowicz
You can only be young once. But you can always be immature. – Dave Barry

Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’ Mature love says ‘I need you because I love you.’ – Erich Fromm
We’re kind of like the smoking section in high school. We’re immature, keep to ourselves. – Matt Stone
The young have all the same flaws adults do. Plus one: immaturity. – Nelson Rodrigues
There were times my immaturity kept me from being all I wanted to be. – Len Elmore

To the immature, other people are not real. – Harry Overstreet
It’s the immature mind that worries about what could be, and it’s the mature mind that worries about what is. – Aiden English
A childish mind griped to unexpected changes. – Toba Beta
Revenge is always the weak pleasure of a little and narrow mind. – Juvenal
So far in the history of the world, there have never been enough mature people in the right places. – G. B. Chisholm
Premature panic is the sign of an immature mind! – Destro
The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one. – J. D. Salinger
Immaturity means self-centeredness, inability to compromise, to rise above hurt feelings, to postpone immediate pleasures in favor of future benefits, or to do unpleasant chores when they need to be done. – Arnold J. Toynbee

An immature ear of corn appears first. – Japanese Proverb
Immature is the love of the youth, and immature his hatred of man and earth. His mind and the wings of his spirit are still tied down and heavy. – Friedrich Nietzsche
Maturity comes not with age but with the acceptance of responsibility. You are only young once but immaturity can last a lifetime! – Edwin Louis Cole
Immaturity is the incapacity to use one’s intelligence without the guidance of another. – Immanuel Kant

Basically my wife was immature. I’d be at home in the bath and she’d come in and sink my boats. – Woody Allen
The first sign of maturity is not reacting to others’ immaturity. – D. Muthukrishnan
What I look forward to is continued immaturity followed by death. – Dave Barry
Emotional maturity doesn’t come with age, it comes with self-awareness. – Tory Eletto

People who are angry at themselves sometimes blame others. It’s a sign of immaturity. – Jeanne Phillips
Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal. – T. S. Eliot
In short, immaturity is spoiled. And what is spoiled doesn’t ripen. It goes bad early, gets bitter and withers on the vine. – Gina Barreca
Longing for the ideal, while criticizing the real is evidence of immaturity. – Rick Warren

One of the worst mistakes a woman can make is wasting years of her life waiting for a man to grow up.
The moment you have to recruit people to put another person down, in order to convince someone of your value is the day you dishonor your children, your parents and your God. If someone doesn’t see your worth the problem is them, not people outside your relationship. – Shannon L. Alder
Most people grow old, but not everybody grows up. – Nishan Panwar
I was very immature when I was young, and for me there was no balance. Everything was just all or nothing. – Mickey Rourke

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own… Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy. – Robert A. Heinlein
Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal. – Lionel Trilling
I am too childlike to be immature. – Lee Siegel

Nine-year-old boys usually turn ten at some point. It’s the nineteen-year-olds who have difficulty turning twenty. – John Boyne
Irritability is immaturity of character. If you are subject to being cross and unpleasant with others for no apparent reason, you need to come face-to-face with the fact that you are thinking too much of yourself. After all, your feelings are not the most important thing in this world. – Lawrence G. Lovasik
For many, immaturity is an ideal, not a defect. – Mason Cooley

Intoxication is a form of escape often sought by the mentally immature. – Lynn Belvedere
People will always have something to say about you because they’re perpetually preoccupied with avoiding what they would say about themselves. – Craig D. Lounsbrough
Imagination: the supreme delight of the immortal and the immature. – Vladimir Nabokov

Immaturity means self-centeredness, inability to compromise, to rise above hurt feelings, to postpone immediate pleasures in favor of future benefits, or to do unpleasant chores when they need to be done.
Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature. – Tom Robbins
He’s like a child, but without a child’s capacity for joy. – Eva Heller

Immature is a word boring people use to describe fun people. – Will Ferrell
The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that is wants to live humbly for one. – Wilhelm Stekel
A good person is an investment. An immature partner is a bill.